Peace Be Unto you.


In this first Sunday after easter we pick up where the story left off last week.  We saw the women discovering the empty tomb, later we learn they saw the risen Lord and brought Peter and

Peace Be Unto you.2024-04-08T12:57:04-04:00

Easter Sunday Sermon – 2024


When Mary and the other women went to the tomb there were many surprises and much fear. What can we learn new about ourselves and God from this age old Easter story. A lot!

Easter Sunday Sermon – 20242024-04-01T18:42:19-04:00

Before Abraham was, I AM!


In this Scripture we have one of the most dramatic and straight forward words from Jesus about his identity - who he truly is. Often he spoke in parables, and many times after performing miracles he

Before Abraham was, I AM!2024-03-18T10:46:11-04:00

Imitate God – Eph. 5:1


In our passage today, Paul tells the Ephesians to imitate God. The text says: Ephesians 5:1–14 (ESV): Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up

Imitate God – Eph. 5:12024-03-04T12:01:13-05:00

The Water to Wine Miracle


Today we have a familiar story in our Gospel reading, both to us church goers, but also to culture in general; Jesus turning Water to Wine.  The story itself is simple and spectacular enough, but this

The Water to Wine Miracle2024-01-22T18:25:26-05:00

Epiphany – The Wisdom of the Magi


Today we are celebrating the Epiphany, meaning “appearance”.  We remember and celebrate the appearance of Jesus through a star to the Magi.  These foreigners, which St. Bernard of Clairvaux calls, the firstfruits of the Gentiles, are

Epiphany – The Wisdom of the Magi2024-01-08T11:04:46-05:00