Mariners’ invites all to this house of prayer.
Services follow the Anglican tradition, an order that dates back to the 2nd century. Each service will typically start with readings from the Bible, move into profession of core beliefs, prayers for the world, church & people, communal confession, communion and ends with a prayer of thankfulness to God. The bulletin provided will be your guide to the service as we get time together with God and our Christian community. After the service, have a cup of coffee and a homemade treat with everyone at “Coffee Hour” and get to know someone you didn’t know before the service.
170 E. Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48226
Weekly Services
Sundays 8:45 & 11am
Free in the Ford Auditorium Underground Garage. Link to details here.
Anglican Tradition 101
What is the Anglican Tradition?
About 500 years ago, the Church of England underwent reforms of its Roman Catholic customs. The worship of the Anglican tradition is a “middle way” – Catholic in its roots, and incorporating some aspects of the Protestant Reformation.
What is liturgical worship?
The word “liturgy” simply means “work of the people.” This is why we speak of “services” of worship. Worship is our service to God. In an Anglican service, there is a distinct outline for worship that uses historical prayers, statements and a pattern of Bible readings. To those unfamiliar with such a form, this can feel strange or disingenuine, as the service content is fairly pre-determined. The intent is to provide us with expressive, reverent words to speak to our God when we feel inadequate and at a loss of what to say. Praying these prayers and reciting this faith-centered content aloud together also helps us communally speak as one to our God. The Anglican liturgy is found in The Book of Common Prayer.
What is The Book of Common Prayer?
500 years ago, in Roman Catholic England, worship was conducted in Latin, and there was some variety in worship from church to church. Many people couldn’t understand and didn’t know what to expect in their worship. The major reform of the time, that still defines Anglican worship to this day is using The Book of Common Prayer – a book in English, that established a tradition of worship common to all the churches in England and the Anglican Churches beyond her shores.
Responding with Beautiful Worship
In response to the goodness of God, we respond with beautiful worship. Our worship at Mariners’ includes the best music of the English choral tradition, led by a professional choir and accompanied by a 78 rank pipe organ at the 11am Sunday service. It is in the beautiful words of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the King James Version of the Bible, two of the books that have most shaped the English language. We invite you to be a part of this holy time.