I’m very excited about re-engaging in partnership with two of the most respected service organizations in the city of Detroit: The Pope Francis Center and The Children’s Center.
As much as 2024 has been a good year of numerical growth at Mariners, I want to speak to you about a deeper spiritual growth, through loving and serving others. This is the kind of growth that has more to do with our hearts, than programs or numbers.
The message is that we would serve out of a love for others, regardless of who they are, or whether or not they will attend Mariners. This vision reflects the heart of Jesus when He sends us out to share His Glory, shine His Light, be ‘salt’ on Earth. In other words, this has to do with growing the Kingdom of God, bringing praise to His name, not ours. Through selfless service, our hearts grow in loving God and loving others.
As I said at our annual dinner, these two organizations have service marginalized communities in Detroit for generations. Whether you can serve there yourself, or simply pray and give. We want to be involved again at both The Children’s Center and The Pope Francis Center.