Whenever I’m in an airplane, I always notice something I find fascinating. Every time we fly over a particularly beautiful view, most of the passengers aren’t looking out the window of the plane.  We could be flying over the Grand Canyon, or the snow capped Rocky Mountains, yet most people are usually sleeping, or with their eyes fixed on their electronic devices.

I have asked myself many times why this is the case. I have seen people shut their window, as we fly over a beautiful area, to avoid the glare on their screens. Ok,  I give a pass to the ones sleeping. We all know the joy of shutting our eyes in the midst of a busy schedule.  But, those intentionally ignoring the beauty outside, I often speculate if they are either one of three things: Unaware, uninterested, or busy.

I don’t buy any of these as legitimate reasons.  Unaware that there is a view of our planet that 95% of humanity before us was never able to see?  Uninterested because, “Well, I’ve seen that view before, it gets old.”?  Too busy to look out the window?

Kidding aside, I’m not really judging anybody here. I love how different we all are. I just like to muse, as I sit there at 30,000 feet. Maybe another reason could be the fact that people get so focused on their final destination, that they don’t appreciate the journey. Some people hike all day to see a view that isn’t nearly as beautiful, but I think when they get to the top, they find it breathtaking because: 1. The view is beautiful in its own merit; 2. They reached their final destination.

There is usually a sense of pride and satisfaction when we accomplish something. “We did it”. Our body and mind put in the effort, and it paid off. I wonder if that sense of accomplishment feeds into our need to control, to be in charge. Do we even know how to rest? Do we recognize beauty in front of us as a gift? Or, does being in a plane, with a pilot in charge, make some of us feel so not in control, that we need to escape or remain focus on our destination? “Can’t wait to land and go on with my life” kind of feeling.

Christiane hates flying. I think it’s a mix of her back pain and 9/11 PTSD [she lived in NY when it happened (Don’t tell her I said that. She doesn’t like to talk about it)]. Nevertheless, I remember the first time we flew over the Rockies. We were considering a move to Colorado, and she had never been there before. The smile on her face was like a child on Christmas morning. God had just showed her one of the most beautiful views, and she kept thanking Him that she got to see it. What could have been an ordinary moment, became this very joyful reality in God’s Presence that I got to participate in.

We were on our honeymoon, when I realized my wife would literally make me ‘stop and smell the flowers’. Ever since, I have been growing and learning to be present. Our lives are a gift. We only have ‘right now’. We have no control of what comes next. Sometimes, we make up something in the future to be more important than something or someone standing right in front of us now.

“And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be   added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:27,33-34 (ESV)

We like to look up different translations sometimes, and this one from The Message makes you feel like Eugene Peterson is sitting in front of you, paraphrasing and teaching this passage in plain English.

“Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” Mat 6:33-34 (The Message)

The Grace of God is like manna. He gives us enough for today. Let’s savor it. Let us cultivate the practice of acknowledging His Presence with us always, and recognize His gifts to us in our everyday lives. I bet you can find something to be grateful for in your life today. Invite the Spirit to reveal more of Jesus and the Father to you today. Rejoice in the loving relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as you are invited to be One with God. We believe that as you grow in this practice, people around you will notice. You can be the one inviting others to participate in the Presence of God with you today.

We pray you won’t let anxiety and distractions rob you of the joy, freedom, and rest you can only find in Him.

Blessings and Peace,

Rev. Todd and Dr. Christiane