Following Jesus to Nain

This week marked another big milestone for the Meyer family. After coming to Detroit for the first time ever at early Spring last year, Christiane and I are ending this year’s Summer with a very big “new beginning”.  As we moved into our new home, we paused to think of seasons.

So much has changed in our lives in such a short time. Looking back to our first visit last year, it’s funny to go back to neighborhoods and specific places we saw for the first time, which has now become so familiar. The place may be the same, but something changes inside of you when that goes from a place you visit to a place you call home.

Growing up in Brazil, I (Christiane) have moved way too many times in my life. It feels different every time. You can anticipate the stages you will go through, and even plan for certain things the best way you know how, but at the end it takes time, patience, and lots of grace until you can call a place home. I’m not talking about the material stuff: things that go missing, surprises you have when furniture doesn’t fit properly, or the occasional damage (remember the “tale of the table”?

I have had plenty of that too, but I’m actually talking about the big stuff. The physical and emotional toll your body goes through. The sense of loss of what you left behind, and the excitement that comes with a brand new season in life. We are very grateful for all God has provided, including the incredible Grace you all have extended to us during this long season of transition.  After 3 big moves in 15 months, we can’t wait to have our house become a warm and welcoming home. Open boxes all over the place don’t really convey that feeling.

By now, you must be wondering what all of this has to do with the title of this letter. This Sunday, Todd will be talking about a passage in Luke 7 that recounts a very important event in the ministry of Jesus. If we were to give a title to the sermon, I believe that’s what we would call it. Nain seems like one of those places where not much happens in a daily basis. It is a small village in lower Galilee, mentioned only once in the whole Scriptures.

Being from Rio, and having lived in New York City for the longest period of my adult life, I previously avoid small quiet cities. They were nice for a weekend, maybe a short vacation, but soon enough, my younger self would find a way to go back to the business of the big city. I loved having multiple events to choose from, and at times I would attend multiple events one after another. The more I started to slow down in some areas of my life, the more aware I became of God’s presence and actions. We know that Jesus meets us wherever we are, but you feel especially seen when He meets you at the place you call home.

Jesus went to Nain to perform one of his greatest miracles. You will hear more about that on Sunday. I find it incredible that Jesus would travel from Capernaum to this small village to meet with one woman. He knew she desperately needed Him. He went out of His way to meet her at her hometown. In the midst of her crisis, Jesus showed up with life-giving power. It is so reassuring to know that no matter where we are, or what is going on in our lives, Jesus is the One who makes a difference. Jesus is the One who makes Himself present and becomes home to us.

As excited as we are for this new season in our personal lives, we are even more excited for what God will bring for all of us ministry-wise. I believe God has brought us together as a family, as His Body, to be a blessing to one another and serve others in this Great Detroit area. We want invite you to pray with us for a greater revelation of Jesus in our homes, churches, and all over this place we call home. Following Jesus to Nain, as we will see on Sunday, can have some really ‘beautiful’ implications.

Blessings and Peace,

Dr. Christiane and Rev. Todd