The Book of Common Prayer


The Book of Common Prayer Our last three letters on prayer focused on bringing us deeper into a practice of prayer from the heart, (if you haven’t read those, please go to our website, and click

The Book of Common Prayer2023-09-01T21:21:04-04:00

The Heartbeat of Intimacy: Surrender 


The Heartbeat of Intimacy: Surrender Last week I shared a personal note about my first date with my wife. Most people are encouraged when they hear the whole story about how God brought us together and

The Heartbeat of Intimacy: Surrender 2023-08-25T07:45:00-04:00

The Heartbeat of Prayer: Intimacy


The Heartbeat of Prayer: Intimacy - August 18, 2023 I was introduced to a French Catholic mystic named Madame Guyon as a teenager 35 years ago.  I carried a couple of her books with me to

The Heartbeat of Prayer: Intimacy2023-08-18T11:34:55-04:00

The Heartbeat of Life with God: Prayer


The Heartbeat of Life with God: Prayer - August 10, 2023 When you think about prayer, what comes to mind?  Maybe it’s our beautiful liturgy.  Maybe it’s a favorite spot in your house where you pray. 

The Heartbeat of Life with God: Prayer2023-08-18T11:40:10-04:00

Transfiguration Day


Transfiguration Day - August 04, 2023 This Sunday lands directly on Transfiguration Day, traditionally celebrated on August 6.  We will be singing, reading, and reflecting on this amazing day in the life of Jesus and the

Transfiguration Day2023-08-18T11:39:49-04:00

Sacred Architecture: Spires


Sacred Architecture: Spires - July 28, 2023 It’s been amazing to see the installation of the final two spires over the last couple of weeks.  What a dramatic culmination of eight years of renovating the church

Sacred Architecture: Spires2023-08-18T11:23:19-04:00

What is YOUR mission?


What is YOUR mission?  July 21, 2023 Where has God called you?  Yes, you!  What is God’ mission for YOU? I remember when God called me into ministry as a young man in college.  I was

What is YOUR mission?2023-08-18T11:21:40-04:00