Breaking Bread at the Annual Dinner

It’s an honor to be a pastor, specifically the pastor at Mariners’ Church.  So many things have such meaning to me as we go through the year.  From the happiness of weddings, to the sadness of a funeral, I am humbled to be part of it all.  There is the wonder of baptisms and serving Eucharist each week.  All of these are things we as a church family do together, and I feel honored to participate.

With all of these sacramental moments we do as a church, there is still one activity that, many times, I find as holy and wonderful:  eating together.  This may not surprise you if you have heard us talk about this before, but when Christiane and I have the honor of breaking bread with part of the church family, or even a relationship just blossoming, we feel like it’s a holy event.

Jesus broke break often with those he spent time with and taught. It was a natural outflow of the early church’s love for each other, and Christ’s love for his disciples.  I have mentioned in other “Words from the Rector” the importance of the social hour after church.  I love that this time is baked into our church rhythm.

There is another important rhythm I want to make sure all of your consider taking the time to invest in:  The Annual Church Dinner.  This is a time when both church members, and the greater community of Detroit, celebrates our 183 year old ministry. I consider it a holy event, celebrating all that God has done, and is doing, in our little corner of His Kingdom.  It’s not a fundraiser, it’s not to show off our best clothes, it’s to honor and celebrate all that God has done, and cast a vision for the future.

This year is no different, although there will be some differences in the format.  First, Bishop Sutton will be in attendance and deliver a welcome and a blessing.  He hasn’t been able to make it in recent years so we are grateful for this time with him. (He will also be preaching and blessing confirmands in our newly renovated sanctuary on Sunday, October 20th!)

Second, we will be honoring Frank and Lindsay Bateman for decades of service at Mariners in many different ways.  Serving as Deacon, Frank and Lindsay have made countless visits together to shut-ins, the sick, and the dying.  Lindsay has headed the children’s ministry at Mariners for decades, as well.  There is much more they have done and served Mariners, as we will talk about and honor then.

Third, we are going to be looking back at all God has done this year from the “NFL Draft”, to the renovation of the Sanctuary, to the wonderful growth we are seeing both spiritually and numerically in the church.  I will also be sharing encouraging words, and a prayerful response toward a vision for 2025. We will pray together for greater engagement and opportunities for our church to serve and love our neighbors and the city of Detroit.

So, I hope you understand the importance of this event and join us in gratitude for all God has done and continues to do.    The DAC is a beautiful venue, and the food and drink will be excellent. However, the incredible opportunity for our Church members, Maritime community, and extended community that supports our church, to come together and celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness is the real beauty of the evening.

We look forward to seeing you there on October 18th.  Please sign up with the invitation mailed to you, or find one outside Charlotte’s office at the church.  If you are able, and would like to sponsor someone else, please let us know.  If you need more information or an extra invitation please reply to this email and we will get back with you quickly.

Blessings and peace,

Rev. Todd and Dr. Christiane