The Beautiful Journey of Discovering the Trinity

The most beautiful things to behold are usually that which seem beyond comprehension.  When thinking about something truly wonderful, awe sets in.  If I stand before a Monet at the DIA, look at a star-filled night sky, or behold the intricacies of architecture whose designer was a genius, it can be too much to take in. I have to reflect on it a little at a time and come back time and time again. This feeling, multiplied and above anything else, is how I feel about the Trinity.


This week we celebrate Trinity Sunday.  The Trinity is a mystery beyond our comprehension.  How can God be three and also one. Through the centuries, artists have tried to give symbols and representations of God the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT.  Some are helpful, but all fall short.
One of my favorite symbols is the Celtic Knot.  This symbol is of the Godhead intertwined – Three in One.  You can’t see where one side ends and the other begins, yet they are also distinct.
As I was starting to write this “Words from the Rector”, I was researching other symbols of the  Trinity.  I was surprised to know The Fleur-de-lis had Trinitarian meaning, in certain parts of history, because of the three spreading parts from a single point.
I was happy with this discovery, of course, because it is such a prominent symbol on our church building, topping each of our 4 spires on the exterior corners of our Sanctuary.  These were placed there in 1849 when the spires were originally built, then rebuilt just last year.
The Fleur-de-lis has represented many things, however, the Trinitarian meaning became part of this symbol as early as the 1300’s.  I decided to browse our stain glass to see what other Trinitarian symbols I could discover inside our sanctuary.
I found there are many.  The most prominent ones are in the Altar Window.  I discovered, at the highest point inside the sanctuary, you can find both of these symbols, The Celtic Knot (or a resemblance of) and the Fleur-de-lis!  Their prominent height is very appropriate because of the importance of Trinitarian Theology.
This Sunday we will be talking more about the beauty of Trinitarian Theology, but for now I leave you with these thoughts.
As in our Sanctuary, the Trinity should always be at the apex of our theological thought and worship. It is a high point of theology because it gets to the very nature of God and His relationship to us.
It is okay that the beauty and complexity of the Infinite Almighty Being, who created all things, might be too much for us to grasp. One day we will understand Him fully.  Until then, we keep acknowledging His Presence among us with awe and expectation for deeper revelation of Himself.
Embedded in the Trinity is why God is known as love, even before creation.  This attribute of God did not begin at the creation of man, as if He finally had another creature in His image to love. The attribute of Love is an intrinsic part of God and his nature.
I John 4:8 says “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
God IS love. The Godhead has enjoyed love and fellowship from eternity to eternity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amazingly, this Trinitarian fellowship is something into which we are invited.  
We will be looking more closely at this awe inspiring theology this week on Trinity Sunday.  For now, I invite you to meditate on the complexity of God, the eternity of the fellowship of the 3 in 1 Godhead, and the invitation for us to be participants in His love.
Blessing and peace,
Rev. Todd and Dr. Christiane