Pause and Reassess

Being half way through something is a good place to pause and take assessment.   A good coach gives a locker room pep talk to a team that’s behind, and the game might turn around.  Intermission at a play or concert is a good time to stretch and reset your emotions for a second half.  Many between the age of 40-50 go through a mid-life assessment, or for some it might be a ‘crisis’.

We are approximately half way through the Season of Lent.  Thankfully, this season is not about our performance. So, no need for ‘locker room pep talk’ here. It is neither like an intermission, since we’re not called to sit passively and watch life unfold.

In fact, nothing in this world compares to our walk with God. He does not look to validate our performances in order to declare us ‘victorious’. We are already sons and daughters of the Most High, sharing in His glory and complete work in Christ. Also, unlike an intermission, we don’t need to take a break from having a passive position. We are actually called to actively participate with Him in what He has accomplished and all that He continues to do.

In our broken humanity, and sometimes inability to focus on our walk with God though, a pause comes as a gift. It can change our perspective on something, refocus our hearts and minds, and/or remind us to rest in Him.

Jesus had what some call a half way point in his ministry.  In the devotional book many of you are reading during this season, called “Pauses for Lent” by Trevor Hudson ( – there are still a few left at the church, grab one if you haven’t yet – it’s not too late!), the author pinpoints this in Mark 8:29.

Jesus asks Peter, “Who do you say that I am?”  Up to that point Jesus’ ministry delivered healing and announced God’s Kingdom. After this event, Jesus started to speak more about how it would be through His death, resurrection, and ascension that we would become one with Him – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This question is a major ‘reassessment question’.

Who do you say that I am?

The answer to this question can mark a life that lives for Him or for self.  Peter at first answered what others were saying, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others one of the prophets.”

But Jesus pressed him and asked again, “But what about you?  Who do you say I am?”

His answer:  “You are the Messiah”

This is the right answer, despite Peter not grasping the full meaning of what the Messiah was supposed to do at that point.  This is probably why Jesus’ next teaching and much of the rest of Mark was how he must suffer, be rejected, be killed, then rise again.  It was a sobering half time assessment for Peter. Jesus didn’t come to make life easy, establish power or give us money. Jesus came to teach us to love the ones we call ‘unloveable’, sacrifice our life for the sake of others, and point others to Him, who is in us, in all that we say and do.

This mid-way point in Lent is a good time for us to ask the question of ourselves too:

Who do you say Jesus is?

Is he just a good teacher?  Is his ‘job’ to make your life nice and easy?  Is He lesser than the Father and Spirit? I hope you answer NO to all these questions, and press deeper into this journey with the One who knows you completely and loves you unconditionally.

The path to Easter goes right through Gethsemane.  The way to the empty tomb includes the cross. This is because without death (to ourselves!) there can be no Resurrection.

Jesus said,

“Unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it.” (John 12:24-25)

Lent is a time to pause and receive it as a gift, for your own good.

It is a season of repentance and asking God to help you release parts of your life that perhaps you have long held onto:  like bitterness, addictions, unforgiveness, unhealthy thoughts or patterns.

It can also be a refreshing moment of reassessment. A time for you to ask Him to grow your ability to love Him better, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Being mindful of what God is teaching and/or speaking to you. Learning to recognize His loving voice as He molds you into His image.

We pray you find ways to pause, reassess, and make the most of this season. It requires a heart of repentance, surrendering ourselves to die with Him, so that we can experience the fullness of eternal life He grants us.

Blessings and Peace,

Rev. Todd and Dr. Christiane