3 Streams: The Scriptural

One of the heroes of the faith in the 20th Century was known as Brother Andrew.  As a missionary from the Netherlands, he and the ministry he founded called Open Doors, made hundreds of trips behind the Iron Curtain smuggling Bibles into the Soviet Union.  He risked his life and freedom to bring Bibles to those living where it was illegal to own and read one.  Brother Andrew knew the importance of Scripture in the life of a believer.

He chronicled some of the early years of his ministry in the book, God’s Smuggler, where he described the daring boarder crossings in his blue VW Beetle during the 1950s.  He would hide Bibles throughout his car and luggage for distribution in the communist block country.  Before the guards would search his car he made it a habit to pray:

“Lord, in my luggage I have Scriptures I want to take to Your children. When You were on earth, You made blind eyes see. Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind. Do not let the guards see those things You do not want them to see.”

This missionary hero died in 2022 at age 94.  At the time of his death Open Doors was in 60 countries and expanded to serve the persecuted church in teaching, training, and distribution of Bibles and materials.  Getting the Scriptures to those who did not have them continues to be the primary purpose of their ministry.

When we talk about the 3 streams of the church, Sacramental, Spiritual, and Scriptural, the latter one, highlighting the centrality of the Scriptures, seems to be the most agreeable one across different Christian traditions.  Just like Brother Andrew, most Christians recognize the importance of the Bible, and how it is a gift that should be available to all.

In the last 100 years, however, doubts about the relevance, interpretation, and authenticity of Scripture has crept into the Church and done damage to the teachings passed down from our Church Fathers and Mothers.  Modernity hasn’t been kind in its view of this our most important book. Some scholars point to Enlightenment as a turning point in humanity’s view of Scripture.

In the Anglican Tradition, we hold the teaching and reading of Scripture in high regard.  The daily personal reading, and weekly corporate reading of Scripture is central in hearing from God, walking in His ways, and encouraging others.  The Book of Common Prayer has daily, weekly, and seasonal readings.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NIV).

In theory it seems this should be obvious. “At church, we read the Bible and live by what it says”, one might think.  But in reality, when you look at practice, the Church at large hasn’t always lived out the truth of the Gospel. Too often the culture of the day, or our own desires, has influenced our reading and understanding of the Bible.

We could continue to make general remarks, and maybe even elaborate on a few more reasons why, in the history of Christianity, the Church hasn’t always been aligned with the true character of God.  Instead, I’d like for us to take a moment and present ourselves before the Lord, just like David did in Psalm 139: “Search me, O God, and know my heart.”

The 3 streams are not about having options for us to choose from and select one we are more comfortable with. The beauty of the 3 streams is in the way one complements  and enhances the other.

We should always approach the Word (the Scriptures) with a heart that longs for the Presence and Revelation of THE WORD (Christ). It is in relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the One Triune God, that we enter the story of God.

The One, who in his grace and unconditional love, has set us free to worship and walk with Him in newness of life, continues to reveal Himself and his true character in the Sacraments, the Scriptures, and the power of the Spirit in us. This newness of life doesn’t happen overnight, and definitely it does not happen by mere accumulation of information. The Scriptures cannot be detached from the Life of Christ in us (Sacramental), and the power of the Holy Spirit in us (Spiritual).

In our personal walk with God, as well as in our corporate worship as His family, I pray we can continue to uphold the Bible without ever misplacing it above God Himself. The Bible’s importance doesn’t ebb and flow with the culture of the day, its message should not be weaponized or reduced to serve personal agendas, and certainly it cannot be disassociated from the One who inspired it.

There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15 (MSG)

May the Spirit continue to give us grace to welcome every stream, with David’s humble posture and total dependence on God.  So, we may grow into Christlikeness, as our loving relationship with God deepens.

Blessings and Peace,

Rev. Todd and Dr. Christiane