For the 61st consecutive year, the Blessing of the Fleet will be held in Mariners’ Church of Detroit on Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. Please note the time change and remember it is also Daylight Savings Time so “spring forward” one hour. This service will be led by Rev. Todd A. Meyer.
Honor Guard
We encourage all Ship Masters and military personnel to be in uniform. We also invite everyone to bring Burgees, Colors, Pennants and Pennons for presentation and blessing at the Altar. Your flag will be returned to you at the Altar immediately following the end of the service.
Presentation of the Flags
Your flag must be accompanied by a card or this document with the following information clearly typed or handwritten:
Name of Organization
President / Commodore
Year Established
Captain Lewis Ludington Award
There will also be the Presentation of the Captain Lewis Ludington Award to Ship Masters chosen by the Detroit Lodge of the International Ship Masters’ Association. Mariners' Church established this Award, in 1994, to assist in promoting and perpetuating the heritage of virtues and good works of the ISMA, as ably exemplified by Captain Lewis Ludington (1858-1934).
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. for The Blessing of the Fleet. We will also have our regular services of Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m., where we will celebrate The First Sunday in Lent.
Final Reminder: Don’t forget to “spring forward” one hour.